Monetize Your Knowledge

Turn your expertise into income. Stop waiting for your dream job and create it instead. Monetize your knowledge with Upwork and reach millions of businesses ready to hire talented freelancers.
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My Achievements

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Maintains 100%
Job Success Score

Delivered high-quality work & clear communication with clients to get these results.
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Top Rated Plus
on Upwork

Received this badge within my first year! I am now in the top 1% of all freelancers on Upwork.
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Earned $500K+
Within Four Years

I worked not only hard but smart to go from $15/hr to $200/hr in just a few years.
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My Story

I often get asked how I became top 1% of all Upwork freelancers in such a short amount of time. The truth? It wasn’t some magic formula or overnight success. It was pure hustle and tons of trial and error.

From 2007 – 2020, I worked multiple 9-5 office jobs (customer service, building websites, graphic design, etc..), whatever it took to pay the bills and fuel my recording studio dreams. E-commerce and advertising were foreign to me when I first started my last office job, but nobody at the company knew how to grow brands- cue in me accidentally becoming the e-commerce expert, mastering Amazon and every other Ecom platform out there.

I was getting by financially, but barely. Then COVID hit! Office? Closed. Recording studio? Shut Down. Wedding coming up? Still happening. Bills? Not taking a break for pandemics. Will never forget that feeling of helplessness.

Desperate for income, I stumbled upon Upwork. This would change my life forever! My first gig? $15/hour. Even at that rate, I knew I would never work a 9-to-5 again. The thought of earning money from home and calling my own shots were evidence enough for me. Today? I’m charging $200/hour for my skills and $400/hour for business consultations. Living proof that IMPOSSIBLE is Fiction!

Here’s the thing – I’m no genius. I saw an opportunity, hustled, learned from my mistakes, leveled up, and never gave up. So, if you’re feeling stuck, remember: there are other options out there. Get creative and monetize your skills. No skills? learn one, master it, and keep hustling like your future depends on it (because, well, it kinda does).

You can learn from my experience of attempts and mistakes
to reach your goals faster and more efficiently!


Struggling to land high-value projects on Upwork?

Leveraging my insider knowledge of Upwork and deep understanding of client psychology, I'm passionate about crafting win-win agreements and empowering freelancers to thrive. For the past year, I've been helping freelancers craft winning proposals, negotiate top-notch contracts, and land their dream projects.

Ready to take your freelance business to the next level? Book your consultation today!

For those just starting out:

Feeling discouraged after months of searching? Sign up for my newsletter and you could be the lucky freelancer I choose for a free 1-on-1 consultation each week. To increase your chances of being selected, shoot me a message with an introduction and 1 thing that you created that you are most proud of!

We'll break through your roadblocks, unlock your hidden potential, and put you on a path to Upwork success. This is my way of giving back to the freelancer community.

Don't miss your chance! Subscribe now and let's build your freelance future together.
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1 hour consultation
per 1 hour

In-depth 1 hour consultation for your profile.

You’ll get:

  • Analyze your Upwork profile and identify areas for improvement
  • Help you build a tailored strategy for winning high-value clients
  • Target ideal clients who pay top dollar
  • Discuss negotiating tactics that protect your interests and maximize your income
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Quick Consultation

30-min consultation
per 30 minutes

A quick consultation for those who have a few questions.

You’ll get:

  • Receive fast and focused guidance to address specific questions or challenges
  • Resolve urgent issues promptly to minimize negative impacts on your career
  • Quick review of your Upwork profile and identify areas for improvement

Contact me

Fill out this form if you have any questions and I'll contact you as soon as possible!

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